Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Blog about Religion

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "Here comes some more sanctimonious garbage." And you're right, on one level. I can't help but feel a self assured sense of spiritual superiority when I take an honest look at my life, my beliefs, my world view and then compare those to that of other individuals in the world. I feel damn good about what I believe and therefore feel a, an obligation to talk about it.

What is it with people's innate desire to be right? To be correct against everyone else? I'm sure at it's core it developed from some...'survival' mentality. Anthropologically speaking, of course. It's an odd thing to consider. On one end I feel I understand it. Hell, I feel it. There are times where I am certain of things and feel a need to convey that, especially when I hear someone on the converse side of it touting the wrong things. Yet, on the other end, I don't understand it at all. I don't understand why people would opt. out of the 'live and let live' mentality. I mean, sure, that mindset has it's limits. But to a certain, rather broad, extent, I'd say, it's quite fitting and appropriate.

Why is any one religion more valid than another? More than that, why do people feel the need to shove religion down the throats of others because of their certainty? Why is your certainty more valid than mine?

I'm a pagan. More specifically, I'm an Odinist. I have a spiritual system by which I live my life. It governs ever aspect of my self and yet, my faith is often met with an air of comedy. As if it's laughable that I believe the things I believe. Why is one faith more real than any other? Each mythology is full of ridiculous happenings, so that shouldn't be a factor at all.

When it boils down to it here's where I'm at; Each and every one of us, the trees outside, the buildings, the cars, all made up of the same stuff. The same atomic, kinetic stuff. An energy. That energy is God. Now, where religion comes into play is when that energy vibrates within us in such a way that these faiths we've created as species feel right. My vibration is Odinism. It's like headache medicine. Some people prefer ibuprofen, some people prefer Tylenol, some people swear by Excedrin. Me, I take BC Powder. It's the only thing that gets rid of my headaches. That's religion. My faith feels right. It makes me feel right and good and like I have a place in this universe. I don't think it's the 'one true faith', there's no such thing. It's the one true faith for me. Live and believe whatever you long as you are doing it and not expecting anyone else to. We all exist in our own little realities and when we try to control others' we just create friction.

Everyday I am met with bible quotes and it just pounds these thoughts in my head, so I felt a need to vent about it. My faith is real. If you doubt it than you doubt me as a person. My faith makes me who I am and I proud of that.

It's a wide world out there. Kill the ignorance.

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